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M[esseu]rs Hum[phrey] Willets Newcastle March the 17th 1676/7 Sirs Since the sealing of myne to you this day In w[hi]ch you have the needfull I have been earnestly desired by a friend to give you the trouble; that is to desire you to cause any one that you can trust to procure him a Brass Peck Conteyning two Gallons Winchester measure; exactly according to the Exchequor Standard and sealed w[i]th the seale of the same & send it to mee by the first Conveniencey of shipping, And you shall bee thankefully Repay[e]d the Cost thereof, and alsoe will oblidge ~ Sirs w[ha]t is above written is my mans mistake the peek desired is for my owne use, Soe pray let it bee a substantiall one, and exactly Winchester measure; and you will doe a very great kindness unto MB: