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Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] Ne[w]castle June the 6th 1676 Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 25th 30th past and first present w[hi]ch I shall now god willinge answer att large; I doe nott question but my Bill of £340 will be punctually complyed w[i]th all; allthough itt bee upon a greate Man; yett I heare hee is as punctuall in his business as any Merchant what soever; I doe heartily thanke you for yo[u]r care, that you will take about my bottles you see I make bold w[i]th you upon all occasions soe must begge yo[u]r excuse, for the trouble I putt upon you about my small commissions; itt is my desire they should bee send p[er] first opportunity; of Shippinge, And w[i]th w[hi]ch pray send mee a good Chesshire Cheese w[hi]ch Mr Barr and Mr Alayson use allwayes to gett mee for a about 5½ 5¾ or some times 6d p[er] <C> yo[u]r disbursse for both w[hi]ch, when I know itt will w[i]th many thankes doe itt you good; I am sourey [sorry] for the Sadd : newese you write mee; butt glad you are noe way concerned; Inclosed is a bill of £100 upon Abraham Stocke of Dover; if you have any friends there send itt to them to p[ro]cure acceptance if none, Inclosed you have a letter to one; who I am certayne will doe as much for mee; after you have gott itt accepted send itt mee. And itt shall bee returned Endorsed unto you by him that is M:B: Severall Merchants broake att Rotterdam ~ Sam Tucker: then Hope : and other greate <dealeres> soe pray bee tare full of preserveinge the right of all Billes I send you MB: