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Mr James Burkin Newcastle feb[ruary] the 6th 1676/7 Sir I have before mee yo[u]r last; must begg yo[u]r excuse nott mentioninge the date thereof; for a Reason I immagine; you will soone find out; In persuance to yo[u]r Order Therein I went and spoke w[i]th a greate many of our Ma[ste]rs who I found for the most part all freighted; had yo[u]r order come 14/d[ays] sooner I would nott have questioned but to have gott itt effected upon much more reasonable Tearmes then you propound; but now freights beginns to Sturr; makes those Ma[ste]rs unfreighted stand a little more upon theire pay[me]nts; yett I have mett w[i]th an honest Ma[ste]r; such a vessell as you desire about 120 Tonn a little more or lesse and in case I had; had full Instructions the businesse would have beene concluded upon wee differ onely upon the lyinge dayes att each place and his loadinge att Charante that itt is how much Wine; how much Brande and how much pap[er] you Intend aboard of him; I am affrayd hee will bee gone to Sea upon his owners accou[n]t before yo[u]r answer unto this can come to hadd [hand] yett I will endea[vou]r to prevayle w[i]th him; a Angle or a peece for soe doinge itt will affoard itt; if procured att £25: Wine Brande and pap[er] p[er]hapes under; soe In case you hold yo[u]r resolution pray advise mee att large the followinge pertliculers w[i]th w[ha]t wine you thinke needfull that I shall <p mit..> [permit] for if this M[aste]r will nott stay; another oppertunity may happen In short time; you desire 200 p[iec]es greate Leed; if 200 p[iec]es small Leed would nott <serve> for noe greate Leed to bee hadd in this place <To where .> In Rochell I shall consigne her; whether my goodes to take In att Rochell or nott for Charante; how billes of Loadinge should bee ordered; how many lyinge dayes you desire att each place; I shall not meddle w[i]th the consigneringe her to any att Charante nor Amst[erdam]; for whose order hee followes att Rochell may doe the one; and who loades him at Charante may doe the Other; I suppose you will order that better that I can Informe you I shall nott enlarge further; beinge affrayd you thinke mee too tedious allready; but takeinge into serious consideration; my being desiroues to ask nothinge that might displease my principall In the least; I hope you will excuse mee; soe desireinge yo[u]r answer w[i]thout delay I remayne MB: