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Mr. Ja: Cooke Newcastle May the 20th 1676 Sir I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 16th and 17th present and in yo[u]r latter a Bill of 340 £ allthough itt be chardged upon a Greate Person, yett doubts nott butt that itt will bee complyed withall accordinge to the contents thereof; if I can spare £100 more shall send itt you of w[hi]ch in a Post or two you may rest assured To be advised w[ha]t can be done by : MB: Noe drinke will hurt my Unckell Eden; I am nott unmindfull of yo[u]r Dogg. my respects to yo[u]r wife. I would nott for £20 butt yo[u]r Bill bee punctually complyed withall, for Speciall reasons w[hi]ch att meetings shall advise you of. MB: