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Mr James Cooke Ditto [Newcastle 3 July 1677] Sir I have yours by Cuthbert Fowler for Answer ~ I doe not question but Edw[ar]d Fletham will pay you the moneys shortly soe that the sooner you Can find mee a bill for £100:=:= remaindeing, the greater kindness you will doe mee I take notice of your parcell of Anker [anchor] palms but you never mention what sorts nor what size soe that I Cannot tell you w[ha]t they will give you – if Sweeds Iron and siziable I thinke they will yeild after the rate of £16:=:= p[er] Tunn if English Iron not soe much be forty shilings for my part I shall nott Councell you to send them about unless you were Certaine of a price and I have noe occation but if you doe send them about I shall doe for you as if they were my owne Stockholme Tarr from £9:=:= to 10l:=:= Thinn Tarr £8:=:= to £9:=:= Leed [Lead] £10:=:= p[er] Fodder Coales 7s to 8s a Chalder Rye 2s 8 M:B