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Sr Ja: Standsfield Newcastle May the 24th 1676 Sir I have so often writt unto you to pay mee what I have beene soe long in disburss for you that I doe blush when I sett penn to paper to putt you in minde w[ha]t you are oweing mee w[hi]ch I thought you might have payd longe ere now w[i]th consideration for the time, or the Course of Exchange, But seeinge you rather ere forgettfull of w[ha]t you are Indebted; I thought good to give you these few times to putt you In minde once more to pay mee my money And haveinge now this oppertunity of my Cosen Wm Blackett and beinge oblidged to pay him a sume of money, hee hath beene soe kinde to mee as to take part of it in Scotland And soe I have desired him to call on you for £146:4s:=d beinge w[ha]t both the p[er]celes [parcels] of Leed Came to, w[hi]ch soe longe agoe I Shipt you And w[hi]ch the Sume pray pay him either the Course of Exchange or Consideration for my money and his Receipt shall bee yo[u]r dischardge I shall Intreate you nott to fayle to pay him the s[ai]d mo: [money] because I p[er]ceive hee relyes one the same for the paying of his worke men soe expectinge your complyance to my desire I rest MB: