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Newcastle March the 21st 1675/6 Sr My last to you was of the 3 March To w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 12th past; w[hi]ch requireing little answer have the less att present to Inlardge upon, have onely to advise you that itt seemes your Freind Mr Sam: Souton Cannott as yett dispose of any Tarr & Pitch, hee nott knowinge whether hee will bee Concerned Therein this next yeare or nott Soe I am att a Stand, Butt however doe you offer to loade him w[i]th Daells [?Deal] after hee hath taken In his quantyty of Iron, w[hi]ch if hee accept of, pray buy them for mee, upon the best Tearmes you can, And such as you know are fitt for this Markett, If hee accept not thereof, offer him money to buy Pitch & Tarr withall, And lett him have w[ha]t hee demands I shall Stand to his buying thereof, onely I hope you will be pleased, to assist him, If hee accept of neither lett him take his course, for I cannott finde him Goods w<hen> none is to be procured, Butt I hope hee will be Civill w[hi]ch will be Better for him, The Sorts of Daells that I desire is halfe double Dales & the other halfe Single Daells lett them bee sure bee of Good Reed [?Red] Wood & such as usually Comes from <Gewll> & longest & broadest that can be hadd for money I am MB