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Mr M[atthew] Lambe Newcastle January 13: 1676/7 In the first place Inclosed is a letter w[hi]ch I must of necessity have att Stoc[k]ton tomorrow night that soe upon monday morning by Cuth[bert] fowler I may Receive answer there unto, w[hi]ch will be here Tuesday morning before post goe away, I durst not venter [venture] to trust C:f [Cuthbert Fowler] with itt for feare off a neglect, upon Receipt immediately send away the foot post or some other with itt the charge I will repay you att meeting before noe time for itt is a letter of Concernment w[hi]ch must bee with Mr Jackson tomorrow night <alin.> Sunday night for feare of mistake wee are all <f.rrantion> <nomi..bred>, wee are all merrily disposed god be thanked and I hope this will find you and my mother in the same Condition I am MB: