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Mr Math[ew]: Lamb Newcastle xber [December]: the 15th: 1676 Inclosed is an account of w[ha]t Rents I want w[hi]ch pray Endeavoure to gett In against I[n]come over If you hitt right w[i]th the Butchers itt will bee more than ever I could doe yett; butt bee assured soe much as is sett downe I want of them att least; Soe keepe them to itt and Spare them nott a farthinge. Tho[mas]: Bell is a Rogue to tell mee hee payes fare Rent; I will see him hanged before hee playes the foole w[i]th mee; if hee p[er]sist that very thing will above all the Sooner urge mee to take that Coarse w[i]th him w[hi]ch I never thought to have done for I finde itt playnely Booked att Whitsonday 75 Rent of him In full till that time and att Martinmas 75 the like. And now the Rogue att Martinmasse 76: when hee payd mee 30s w[hi]ch was my dew till that time; hee Swoare mee downe the fore Rent and I thinke hee forces mee to give him a Receipt accordingly. If hee doe Stand upon that receipt; before hee live In the house I will burne itt downe; Soe discourse the business w[i]th him. nay I am confident hee can nott make appeare that ever hee payd fore Rent to any other ~ If this com[e] by the Carior you will Receive a Small Toaken w[hi]ch be pleased to accept of and make merry this good time (As well are resolved to doe God willinge) my Respectes to my Mother I am MB: