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Mr Nath: Smith: Ditto [Newcastle 25 August 1676] Sir The last weeke I findinge a Good oppertunity I sent for a Boate full of yo[u]r pap[er; w[hi]ch I now have In my handes beinge 130 Reame besides the 9 bottles of Oyle one where of I doe accept off, Givinge you many thankes for the same; the other <8th> being none of the very best I sold for 16S w[hi]ch <was> all I could p[ro]cure; For yo[u]r Pap[er] I can nott meete w[it]h Chapman as yett but hopes shall doe itt shortly 3S A Reame will bee the most itt will yeild I will doe for you As if itt were my owne; but be pleased p[er] first oppertunity to affoard mee yo[u]r Advice; In the meane time Remaynes Sir M:B: