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Newcastle March the 10th 1675/6 Mr Nich: Verlane Sr My last to you was of the 19 feb: To w[hi]ch refferrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 6th present Thereby takes notice you have sold 30 p[iece]s more of my Leed att 24 ½ s deducting 2 p[er] <%> for ready paym[en]t the price is badd enough, And for the deduction for ready money I never heard of soe much given In all my life, Butt w[ha]t you doe shall Content mee, Soe putt of the remaynder as soone as you meete w[i]th a good oppertunity & lett mee heare when money is Rec[eive]d, some remitted upon that account pray send mee the Shovells I desired, & writ mee once In 17 d<ays> businesse or none If you could light of an Excellent Watter Dogge for mee you would doe mee a very greate kindnesse, I doe nott value w[ha]t money shee Cost provided a very good one I am MB