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Newcastle March the 21st 1675/6 Mr Samuell Sowton I have before mee yours of the 1<2>th present & accordinge to your desire did deliver the Inclosed unto my Cousin Wm Blackett w[i]th my owne hands, who said little butt that he onely desired answer from you to his of the 14th present – [struck out: from you to his] for answer To the Remaynder of your letter, I doe thanke you for your kinde <proffer>, butt the little profitt that will accreu [accrue] thereby Considering your Rates, hath mad[e] mee alter my resolution of haveing either Pitch or Tarr from Stockholme, besides you are uncertayne whether you can furnish mee w[i]th any or nott, soe shall say noe more but that I am MB