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Ditto Mr Walter Chaytor Sr My last to you was of the 28th 7ber to w[hi]ch refers you since have received yours of this date with the very welcome newes of John Tuckers safe arrivall with you for w[hi]ch god be praised Barty Kirkhouse is at Amsterdam but I wish he had gone to y[ou]r port for I perceive as you write the Amsterdam Markett is Overladen with that commodity but now tis too late to helpe and seing you give me some incouridgement I shall If possible send you a suply before it be long. I take notice what progresse you have made in the sale of my leed w[hi]ch am very well contended & for my part doe approve of your resolutions bring them but to 25 ΒΌ s and then let goe my proportione if you thinke good for w[ha]t you doe shall be to my full satisfactione I ordered you in my last to remitt some money to Mr Nicho: Verlaen of Amsterd[am] w[hi]ch pray doe when you are in cash privided he gi<ves> yo[u] order for soe doeing but I have a quantity of Leed arrived there Likewise so that I thinke he will have no Occatione w[hi]ch if he write you Accordingly then remitt him none but be makeing me Returnes in good Bills as you are in Cash or send Bills making them payable to Mr Henry Nelthorpe Gouldsmith at the rose in Lambert Street London upon my acct whether you please for it will be alone to me be due me I will send you no more of I M I can find noe Incouridgement by your inclosed price curr[en]tt w[hi]ch makes me desire returnes in good Bills for my Commission I will refer my selfe to you but I doe assure you I allow 2 p% to noe corrispondent I have soe doe w[ha]t you please it shall content MB