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Mr.Walter Chaytor Newcastle Ap[r]ill 15: 1676 Sir My last to you was of the 14 present [16]76 to w[hi]ch refferes you Since none from you, soe the less att present to Inlarge upon this beinge onely to confirme my former and especially In the last Article Thereof, w[hi]ch tends to the followinge purpose; (vizt) that you would without delay putt of w[ha]t Leed you have of myne In your hands att prise Currant and remitt mee as soone as is possible the Nett p[ro]ceed thereof (for as I writt you formerly) shortly I shall have occasion for more money In London, Then I know well how to rayse soe preay fayle nott to effect the desire and possitive order of MB: I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 17 present, I hope your next will bringe mee the good newes of John Vahans arrivall yo[u]r Bill of £100 have placed to book In conformity w[i]th you Jno Huntingtons is an Errand Rogue if ever hee come to Rotterdam be sure Arreast him on my Suite and <presente> mee w[ha]t is due from him MB: In yo[u]r letter you write Exch: [exchange] for the Bill att 37 s ½d truly I know nott whether you meane 37s 6d½ pray Informe mee and for future allwayes advise mee how many Gilders you debitt mee for every Bill you send MB: