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Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto [Newcastle 15 August 1676] Sir My last to you was of the 5th Aug[us]t 1676 to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 10th 11th and 12th present; butt nott a farthinge remitted mee w[hi]ch I doe Wonder att; Immagine the more I desire you to remitt mee money; the longer you will bee a remittinge itt soe I shall desire you noe more nor will I after this say soe much; as one word in that perticular; Soe take yo[u]r owne time; but I am affrayd I will nott prove to both our advantages; the accountes of the Tow; Grindstones and Coales I shall Examine In due time pray give mee leave to say that I am very Confident you never looked Into the Tow nor sees w[ha]t you buy; for I thinke noe Man in s[ai]d world butt yo[u]r selfe; would have given as much for some part thereof; as for other some p[ar]te thereof I doe Sweare there is 5 yea 6 Gilders betwixt; some bagges butt that is nothinge; before I conclude; I will mely say; that I remember I did desire itt should bee all of one Sort; for remitting mee money take yo[u]r owne time I am M:B: