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Mr Walter Chaytor Newcastle June 17th : [16]76 Sir My last to you was of the 8th present to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 12th present; I hope the second thousand Harlem Tow will nott bee of the same sort as formerly you have sent; I meane nott soe done upp In Bagges; w[hi]ch if itt bee; if this come In time I desire you to dispose thereof upon the best tearmes you can and if any loss I will bee willinge to doe itt you good; butt if In Mattes as I lately ordered bee pleased to send the same p[er] prise conveinencey ~ Yo[u]r Bill of Seventy poundes I have booked in conformity w[i]th you before I answer further may please take notice that inclosed you will finde a Bill lately send mee for £100 upon Mr Abraham Stocke of Dover as alsoe a protest S[ai]d Stocke refuseing to accept the same for want of advice; I hope Wm Harrid is able to repay you yo[u]r money w[i]th chardges w[hi]ch pray see to p[ro]cure to the uttmost and for future never send mee Billes but upon Merchants In London; if s[ai]d Harrid bee a freind of yo[u]rs, if hee will take a fooles advise, Counsill him from mee to have noe further dealeinge w[i]th s[ai]d Stocke; for I know him to be a Cunning Sophester ~ I take Speciall notice of w[ha]t you write about my Errors for answer To the first, If I sell yo[u]rs att 5/10 <per> 6/10 and allow 1 per[centage] I will be hanged Soe noe more of that att present I know nott w[ha]t others may have hadd; but for my p[ar]t (excepting from your selfe) I never had advise from Holland of goods Sold; but Immediately after the net p[ro]ceed remitted mee ~ att yo[u]r second reason I wonder very much; for you say you would have Sold all my Leed; and holted a little w[i]th my Fatheres; if you had thought that hee would nott have taken notice thereof but that my s[ai]d Father was as urgent w[i]th you as my selfe soe that hee might Justly have beene displeased w[i]th you for soe doeinge, how the Devell should hee know how you dispose of my Leed except you advise him yo[u]r selfe, not that I have occasion for money; God bee thanked for by the same reason you may say that my Father hath occasion likewise for money hee beinge as urgant as you yo[u]r selfe, confesse for the disposall of his, as I was for mine; I cannot endure contraverssies, w[hi]ch I will Indeavour to present shortly In the meane time (if you please) dispose of my 350 p[iec]es Leed sent you by JohnVahon [Vaughan] accordinge to my Order And as for my Stockinges I never In my life Stinted my Father to a price butt allwayes desires him to dispose of my goods for w[ha]t they would <yearled> [yield] In Reallity all they mens Cost mee 8s p[er] duzen; And the rest 6s soe sell them as well as you can, if any p[ro]fitt I can send you more and soe remayne In hast MB:
Sophister – ‘the use of clever but false arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving’.