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Mr. Walter Chaytor ditto [Newcastle May 6th 1676 ] Sir My last to you was of the 22d Ap[r]ill 76 to w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of 30th past and 5th present the account of the Snayl I have examined, found right and booked accordingly, butt send noe more till further order for this sort is too Course for this Markett, I hope p[er] next oppertunity to Receive the Tow and send noe more of that neither, untill I see w[ha]t sort of Stuffe itt is and give you a second Order ~ I hope according to my Order ere this, all my Leed is disposed of and that you have remitted mee the nett p[ro]ceeds, w[hi]ch if nott done lett itt be done upon Receipt w[hi]ch I hope you will not fayle to effect, an Answer to this and complyance w[i]th my desire In every perticuler, I shall expect In 20/d [days] att furthest, I have this day booked some Accounts from France, and I assure you In none of them is there any such thinges as ½ per% [percent] for remittinge and drawinge, nor did I ever pay itt in my life, Indeed itt was never Charged to mee observe I pray my Order, and soe I remayne MB:
‘Snayl’ - a poor quality of FLAX, similar to or identical with SNOUTING and TOW.