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Mr Walter Chaytor Ditto Sir My last to you was of the 26th Aug[us]t To w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 8th present; have observed the Contents thereof, but shall say very little to itt att present onely I will say itt over againe and <Insiste> <itt> w[he]n I have done; that same Matte of the last p[ar]cell of one you sent mee was 6 Gilders better then other some Mattes; And noe disaster happened to any of them In the least; worth Speakinge of but enough is said I shall dispose thereof as well as I can ~ Now Sir I take notice of yo[u]r Advice never to oblidge my Father to sell Goods upon Arrivall; w[hi]ch was never my Custome; but att this Juncture of time when I had above £2000: to Rayse befor p[ri]mo Aug[us]t past upon a businesse and know nott how to Rayse the ¼ without the selling of Leed and Coales; If Some other had beene In my Case perhaps they would have beene as hasty as I was to have had moneys remitted but I shall say noe more; If you take any thinge ill that I writt I am contented you say you constantly remitted mee money before you were In Cash; if you expect any thinge for the doinge thereof pray satisfie yo[u]r selfe; and keepe w[ha]t is due unto mee soe much the longer In yo[u]r handes Inclosed is Harris his 2d Bill I am M:B:
The date is unknown, but it is somewhere between 1st – 12th Sept, probably 9th based on contents of a later letter of the 12th