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Cousen Will: ditto [Newcastle 22 July 1676] I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 20th And accordinge to yo[u]r desire I send S[i]r James a Release; w[hi]ch I thinke will bee to content; Soe pray Receive the money of him; and take the trouble to bring itt alonge w[i]th you If noe otherwise can bee Bid pray put S[i]r James In minde that hee promised mee, to remitt mee my money either to this place; or to London, but In Short you know my businesse as well as I doe my selfe, soe referres itt to you and w[ha]t ever you shall doe therein shall bee to my Satisfaction; onely minde the Inclosed Release cost mee 18d w[hi]ch I hope S[i]r James will repay. As allso Intrest for the time I have beene In disbursse, but as above I refer all to you and what ever you shall doe shall comport mee the remaynder of yo[u]r letter I shall answer att <accordinge> In the mean time remaynes: MB