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Cousen Wm ditto [Newcastle June 8th 1676] My cousen Rumney goeinge Soe Suddenly away desired mee to Answer yo[u]rs of the 5th present as followoth; In the first place hee takes notice w[ha]t you write Greyston to w[hi]ch hee sayth that hee hath allowed himselfe the money Soe you and hee may Reckon as you please and when my Cousen comes home hee will reckon w[i]th you both att pleasure and as to w[ha]t you write about the bonds of £50:=:= hee will say nothinge to itt untill hee can doe the same by word of Mouth, unto you and yo[u]r Mother the Coppie of the bond you sent I return itt Inclosed w[hi]ch is the needfull att present from M:B
The recipient was William Blackett, son of Michael’s uncle Christopher Blackett, and who ws at some time envoy to the Court of Sweden. In July William was in Edinburgh, from where he wrote to Sir Wm Blackett on the 18th –given elsewhere in this collection