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To Mr Peter Mulcaster. Farnacres 20th Nov. 1768 I reced. your Letters, as also all the Receits which were wanting by Mr. Labourne, by whom, I was much concerned to find you had been so very ill, however I hope this will meet with you as well as can be expected and that you will soon be perfectly well. As you propose coming down to the place, with the first piece of Silver, I should like that might be when Mr. Smeaton, and I are here together, and I will give you notice as soon as I know sheen he will be here; I expect it to be about the latter end of this Month, or beginning of next. I would not have any Slagg Lead sent from the Mill yet; but the Reduced Lead GH 1 you may send away as fast as you think proper. The Assay of Greengill Hush Ore I recd. safe; and after melting it in a Ladle & cleansing it, I think there was fairly 10 Ounces left. I send about 9 Ounces of it by Mr. Labourne for an Assay (when you have Leisure) for Silver I have not yet got you a pair of Small Scales and Weights, but will get them as soon as I can. As to the difficulties we are under with regard to the Smelting we must do as well as we can for the present; and I have no doubt we shall in due time come to a proper bearing. When we see you we may talk this matter over, and indeed as matters stand I think it is absolutely necessary that we should see you, and consult together about his Business I am glad that the Works at the Refinery go on well. I am Your real Frd. & Well wisher Nich. Walton Jun. P.S. The Refined Lead has been tryed and ( as I believe you have already heard) is as good as can be. I am sure this will give you pleasure, as it must do to all concerned. 1500 Pieces of Common Lead are Sold and Delivered: and 5 pieces of Refined; so that our Warehouse is quite Empty.