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Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 23rd Decem 1774 It will give us satisfaction to know from what Seams or parts of Seams of Stublick Colliery the Coals and Cynders that are used at Langley Mill are gotten. That is to say, in Case the same Coals are not used at all, to what particular use, each Seam is respectively adapted; and what, as nearly as you can Judge, may be the Quantity used of each P Annum. Also whether any particular Quality is required for the Coals which are used in the reverberating Furnaces of the Refinery and Reducery other than that of producing heat; and whether any particular quality is required in the Cynders that are made use of in the Slag Hearth, for tho' some Coals may be more profitable to make Cynders of than others; yet we wish to be informed whether an equal Quantity of Cynders, when made, do or not produce an equal effect. We shall also be glad to know what Quantity of Cynders a given measure of Coals will produce. The sooner we hear from you on the above the better. We understand Stublick Colliery is likely to fail sooner than was expected which is the reason for our desiring the above particulars. We inclose you an Account showing the produce of Silver at Langley Mill (compared with the Assays) from the 6th April 1771 to and with 26 Nov 1774, which with the Account sent you the 10th May 1771 show the whole since the commencement of the Undertaking. We are etc NW Junr J S An Account showing the prod. of Bullion at Langley Mill compared wth yr Assays <> Litharge for Refining over again has been kept since 6th April 1771 [There follows a table not reproduced here but available in the corresponding copy of the letter contained in the PDF file of this collection.]