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To William Corbett Esqr Rav.h Castle April 2d 1736 Sr Inclosed you will receive our Cash Accot for last Month by which there is a Ballance remaining in our hands of £44 . 5 . 33/4 after having paid Mr Constables Interest upon £5900 due at last Ladyday. We have putt the advertisement into the Newcastle paper pursuant to your Commands, but there is one thing with regard to Letting the Estate wch we begg leave to lay before you, as it may possibly merit Some Considerations. The Act of Parliament relating to granting of Leases obliges the Lessor not to give power to any Lessee to Committ Waste, or excemptg him her or them from punishment for Committing Waste, & we are afraid that may restrain you from opening any new Lead Mines, as it cannot be done without breaking Ground, wch we apprehend will in Law be looked upon as Committing Waste, this Sr we only thought proper to mention to you, as it may be thought necessary to take an Opinion upon it. We had Yesterday £100 offered for Hartburn Tyths by Mr Edwd Lumsden who before offered £90. & Mr Ra Wood the prevs Tennt offered £90. for the Same. We are Sr Yours etc Nichos Walton Hugh Boag