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Newcastle May the 16th 1674 Sr, Yours of the 9th current came to hand; as I have beene sundry times wth the p[ar]ty concerned as to the Leed oare; who hath written divers letters: about it but the wayes are soe bad by reason of the great raynes that he could not prov[ide] any caridge; but hath promised this next weake to be in towne and to give an acct in w[ha]t time we may relye of it; & w[ha]t quantytye. wth the next shall give an acct of the wayes hath bene soe bad that we have bene forced to pay double raytes for leeding of coles to supplye the M[aste]rs of shipps & they are risen from 7s to 10s per challdron and we give it in caridge; they could have bough[t] oates for [12d] per busshle & now they pay <3s> per bush, Reye 5s6d per bush. Whaet 7s6d Barley 4s6d per bush: Beanes 3s4d per bush: heare is sum shipps come out of france Hamb[urg] and Holland that sell for 5s6d & pay half crowne per last custome and will turne to a good acct. Leed sold heare for £13 per fother & bought up for france & for the East; some for [Holland] they p[ro]cure bus[hel] 26s and 24s wch makes but small return. I pary [sic] God send us peace. I like not the Hollend[e]rs pride in not strikeing according to the artickeles thus not further but that I am your frend Ra. Grey