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Brother My cozen Wentworth desires upon the sight hereof you will you will repaire to Sir Francis Burdett and receive of him for my cozen[s] use the sume of 136l [£136] due to him at or before this time upon accompt and when you have received it, make up that money out of what is due to me 206l [£206] and goe forthw[i]th to my cozen Kampden and paye it to her as a debt due to her from my cozen Wentworth and tell her that upon the receipt of her letter I repaired to Mr Wilkinson according to her directions he tould me her bond was not in his hands but said that <if> the fiftie pounds she returned up to London he would receive that as p[ar]te paym[en]t and he would write to his Brother Mr Matthew Wilkinson to receive the rest and put it forth in the contrie and give my cozen Kampden her bond be carefull to see these directions p[er]formed wth all posible speede is desired by Yor affectionate brother Tho: Wentworth Aprill the 4th 1674 Give me an accompt of This soe soone as you can [on cover:] To Mr Matthew Wentworth att Bretton Hall give this w[i]th care and speede Leave this at fferiebridge in Yorksheire to be sent to Mr Edward Smyts house in Wakefeild to be delivered as above and postpaid