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London Aprill 6th 1675 Sr Yours of the 25 March came sfe to my hands and for your additional kindnesse therein I returne you my hearty thanks; had Sr Thomas Liddall’s proposals been as you mention (viz) £300 p ann for jointure and present maintenance and £200 p annum after his death and that estate in Land or some other certaine thing that might have been depended upon I should have made noe scruple especially if the young man had been to have had his portion; butt contrariwise his father expects halfe at least and moreso butt £100 pannum in Land and that which is reckoned sufficient to make it up £500 pannm. As I formerly hinted to yow (the whole being vallewed by him at £3000 p annm I have made ome enquiry concerneing the reason why Mr Nevill and be broke of, butt cannot have a certaine cause assigned, yet doe understand that there was much dispute between them concerneing the intrinsieque vallew of the Colliery and that that objection was never fully answered; What kinde information I have received from yow may assure your selfe shall never be divulged. Sr I should be very glad to know when your occations will call you to London that I might waite upon youw and paye my respects for your great kindnesse to me in this affaire, which shall be ever thankfully acknowledged by Sr yr obliged friend and humble servant Wm Rollinson
The given date of 1675 makes no sense in the sequence of correspondence between Rollinson and Blackett so it assumed here that Rollinson set down the wrong year, it being scarcely two weeks into 1676 at this point