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Vercoop Reek oover 23 Ps Coddens van de Heer John Blackett <ontH> en voor desselfs reekening Vercogt in Publique Vercooping als: den <18 7b 1710> 2pes @ 5f f10:- Den 29 Jann see 1711 2pes @ 5 10: 2: @ 4:15<pr> 9:10: 2: @ 4:10 9: 4: @ 4:5 17: 11: @ 4: 44: f99:10 Oncosten ass 10pc 9:19 89:11 Sleeploon & oparbeyden f1: Pakhuys huur 2: myne Provisie @ 1pc :18 3:18 f85:13 <Sarvum Enneunt> John Boumane Amstdm 17 Fed 1711 Mr John Blacket Sr Since my Last off 29 past, Since not reced anny off you so this ownly to gi[ve] yo acct Sale off the Coddens, above men[tioned] the nead proceed is 85:13:- off which the Ca[ddens] dispose after abating post off Letters last and this year - : - :- and iff I can Serve in this or anny other buisnes from insanens [instance] buying or selling off goods, on <Batwau-ted> anny hollands & recommend me, iff ye would have the <Pees> on two hollands for this & noceed, or more I shall serve ye as <...> as no boddy shall do ye on which ye may depend— as likewise <..> at I am with due <Respect> Sr Your most Humble Servt John Bouman Nr I find but very few letter so itt is not worth to change anny for itt ad [on verso:] Mr John Blackett/ Merchant in Rotterdam