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John Armstrong Newcastle 24 August 1733 I have now given you all the time I can, & I question not but as much as you desire to send me in all Acco[un]ts preparatory to the Pay, therefore do now expect them against the 3[r]d next month without fail, I once more desire you will then give me an exact & particular List of all the arrears of Rent due from the Beginning of your Receipt to last May day, distinguishing those that are Recoverable from those that are lose if any; When you come down pray bring me your Estimate of the Riding wood, which as I remember you told me you had by you. You did well to discharge the West <Elid> Hushars, for I believe the oar they made turns to little if any Acco[un]t as Lead now sells, which falls daily & I fear will oblige us after this pay to lower all our prices yours etc JR