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To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Bt MP Curzon Street London Newcastle 25 Nov 1755 Hon. Sir Yesterday I rec[eiv]ed Miss Rutter's £800 & the intr[es]t f[ro]m the date of the Bond to this day £1.1.0 wch Money I have made my self D[ebto]r to you for, & therefore I desire you will please to advise the receipt of the 3 enclosed Bills for £652.13.7 wch are all in my power to remit you at present. I have also rec[eiv]ed of Dr Cooper £100 in part of his Note & £12 for intr[es]t & have taken his Note for the remaining £100, wch I shall send you in my next, or keep till you come to Newcastle, as you shall direct. On receiving the Wallington Rents, there was £850 to pay, so th[a]t very little money comes in f[ro]m th[a]t quarter, tho the tenants have p[ai]d up pretty well, except the Thompson's. They are selling their Lead at Stockton & Hull at any rate, but our M[erchan]ts here have no Com[missio]ns to offer anything; so th[a]t some Method sh[ul]d be taken to get part of the great Stock disposed of that you have at market - Messrs P. & Sorsbie have wrote to Mr Stainbank to know the best price he will offer for 4 or 5000 P[iece]s but I find he is very shy ab[ou]t it, as a War seems now unavoidable. I wish you could get 5000 P[iece]s sold at 15.5.0 or even £15 a fo[the]r, to enable you to pay Mr Lascelles Lady Mansel & the L[ea]d Mils. - To apply directly to Mr Stainbank I apprehend wo[ul]d be taken amiss bu our M[erchan]ts but that ought not to be much regarded at this time. I have desired Mr Denton to advise with you & take yo[u]r Directions in this matter - They sell their fo[the]r of 22 cwt at Stockton for 15.15.0 wch is equal to £15 at our Market & the price seems to be still declining. so they will yield you very little profit this year. Mr Harvey sent me two Lres last post d[irecte]d you by Tim Puncheon son of Jno Puncheon Uphold[e]r in this Town, the father never voted for you, says he knows nothing of the Lre his son has d[irecte]d ; but as to the affair abo[u]t Elmes the paper stainer, it is true enough. I have spoke to Mr Brewster the Coll[ecto]r of Excise ab[ou]t it, who says he believes it was a malicious contrivance by Elmes ag[ain]st the young man & he will take care to prevent any damage being done him, on th[a]t score (as far as lays in his power). - Mr Brewster desires me to return you his thankful acknowledgem[en]t for the favour you have confered on his son, wch he wo[ul]d have done in person if he had not been f[ro]m home . I am etc JR To John Bland & son London Newcastle 25 Oct 1755 £105.0.0 Fifty days after date pay Messrs Peareth & Sorsbie, or order, one hundred and five pounds value receivd p[e]r advice p[e]r Pere Tyzack Endorsed Peareth & Sorsbie No.174 To Messrs Gabriel D Vebre & Co. in London Newcastle Oct 28 1755 £357.13.7 Sixty days after date pay to Mr Rob.Pattison or Order three hundred & fifty seven pounds thirteen shillings & seven pence, value receivd & place it to acct as advised by , Sirs, Your most h[um]ble Serv[an]t Thos. Airey Accepted pay[a]ble in <ports> Gabriel D Vebre & Co. To Messrs Plumbe & Brown, Goldsmiths in Forster Lane London Newcastle 25 Nov 1755 £190.0.0 Sirs Twenty five days after date pay Sir Walter Blackett Bt. ot order, one hundred & ninety pounds value receivd & place same to acct as advised by Srs Yo[ur] most h[um]ble servant Jos Richmond 1755 Nov 25 Advised Messrs Plumb & Browne of the above draught on them for £190 payable to Sr Wr Blackett. JR