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Mr Jam: Edward Gould and Compony Newcastle Aprl 21st 1680 What preceeds is a copy of my last to wch please be refered, Since am favoured wth yours of the <9?> past if you Cannot dispose of goods noe remedy but patience, never be angry att itt, itt will Sell one time or other, wn a markett comes tis wellcome, I question not your utmost Endeavours for my most advantage, Soe shall be content wth wt ever happens att any time its quality is the Same wth the other, and why (because Small not so rendable, tht mystery I still cannot understand if you putt itt of In Barles shall be to my Satisfaction I expect by the next a patterne of the douzens and kersyes you mention, pray be allsoe advise the price, if any protitt to be gott I am Certaine I can Send thm as cheape as any other for ths place is the onely place in England for Such Commodities or other Sorts of Cloth or Stockins of all Sorts, Complyance I doubt not – pray write me once In 14 of occurrences <wth>you and the price of bees wax In doing whereof you will oblidge MB