Letters – Thomas Wentworth to John Wentworth – 16 Mar 1768

Document Type: Letters
Date: 16 Mar 1768
Correspondent: Thomas Wentworth
Recipient: John Wentworth
Archive Source: AE Wentworth letters
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								London, March 16th 1768

Dear Sir,

      I had lately the pleasure of a letter from you by Mr. Livius, by which I find you had not received a letter from me then, but I hope you received it soon after.

      Mr. Paul Wentworth left London March 1st for Holland and never to return to England as he thought then. We had the pleasure of his Company in Yorkshire last Summer he has fine Spirits and is a very good Companion and we travell’d about together in Post Chaise for he is the worst horseman of the name <wth> which he exhibited before me by falling off a quiet horse when upon a little canter without visible reason, but as he said that he lost one Stirrup, and he swears that it is very strange that we that know how to ride and can stick so fast on horseback yet can not teach him how to ride in half an hour.

      Paul seem’d very sorry to leave England but business forced him to Holland. We dined together <Loring> Rogers &tc. &tc. and drank your health in a bumper. Last Hunting Season Mr. Saml. Wentworth was with me about a Month and I mounted him upon my grey Galloway and he rid a gallop very well, sticks close and is a good jocky figure on Horseback, but durst not take a high leap, for even at a low leap he could not help seemingly to whisper in the ears of the Mare; he is sedate and studious and he does not vibrate his Tatler so much as other <...ths>. I intend to call upon him sometime at Oxford. I have not yet got the two pictures of yourself and sister from Mr Wilson, he says he has somewhat to do at ‘em and will finish them soon, he is very idle, so I shall take them away with me into the Country soon, done or undone for he won’t explain what he has to do with them, besides he told me that one picture of yourself of his drawing was intended for me also, and the other of his drawing for Ld. Rockm., they are both bad likenesses and ill done. I refused taking one, telling him he must be mistaken, as I was certainly to have that picture only done at Paris:-

      So I have fixt with Mr. Coates to draw mine for your acceptance and remembrance, P. Wth. Is drawn very like by Mr Coates, which is intended for Ld. R.m- Capn. Loring says that he is going soon to make you a visit so I take this opportunity of talking to you by letter and to return you thanks for Seeds, Plants, Fruits, one squirrel, Monkey Raccoon &tc from you and Mr Nelson, some are alive, the <Con rond> flowered in perfection in my hot house but there were no seeds afterwards in the pods, so shall be particularly oblig’d to you for more seeds of that Flower as the imitation is so very exact and curious. I sent you Mr Paine’s Plans of houses and bridges, which I shall be glad to hear are arrived safe – Alterations, Improvements and different buildings are the Spirit and Life of the Country and you have land enough to give employment and trial to a luxurious Fancy & lively taste to indulge which will be an agreeable relaxation from the more important and weighty Operations, Conversations, Levees, Promises, Performances, Honor and Glory of Government which must now greatly employ your time. – This year produces violent agitations in Mind and consumption in Purses over all England about elections, in which I am no ways concern’d, so only amuse myself with hearing of the Riots which others promote against all Laws, Sense and Honesty in this Country of so much boasted liberty. – Curious enough! for Lives lost, Houses demolish’t, Heads, Legs Arms broke, all for the honor of a certain assembly who make the Laws and as Hudibras says, have the best right to break ‘em; I should be glad to read the Laws and Rules of Government of your Town and adjacent Country and I don’t doubt but you put them into Execution better than is done here. The County and City of York were never so quiet as yet in the memory of man to the great disappointment of many who wd. sell themselves to the Devil for a glass of Gin or wd. rather lye in the Streets dead drunk than go to bed sober. Sir George Saville and Mr. Lasulles have no opposition, for the County, Sir George Armitage and Mr. Lane decline standing for the city upon acct. of their bad health, many were applied to, who refused, at last Mr Charles Turner stands upon his own and friends Interests and when it was proposed to him to be a member of the Rock-m Club his answer was, viz.- He imagined that it is a party club, he meant to be of no Party, but that of doing his utmost to serve the City, that if they would change the Club to be an Independent one and give it such like appellation he would be one of the first to join it: - This speech highly displeased the Club. Lord R-m has proposed Lord John Cavendish but nothing is finish’t yet, for this news came to me from York last night. Mr. Wilkes has no chance for the City of London he is deserted by his Great Friends, which happens often. Perry Wth. is very busy at York with the Candidates and Company. How does Mick. like yr. Country or how does he employ his time. Your generosity and goodness will not hurry him much, except in giving him opportunity and consideration to express his gratitude in the amplest manner. My complts. to him. –

      Last year and this I have planted and transplanted and sown some thousands, I shall always be plaguing you for something new, never seen before and not common, which gives a zest to most things either in garden or in bed.

      <Camso> died last year of the Distemper, he was a very good natur’d dog. I should like one Dog Whelp of the large rough kind.

      I din’d today at Mr Bosvilles’s, they all join in Compts. to you – All Work and no Play. – so play with your pen which will always give pleasure to

      Dear Sir  Your Affecte. & most Obedt. Servant

      T. Wentworth

      I just received another letter from York, Lord John Cavendish and Charles Turner are nominated without opposition – Mr. Wilkes has little chance of being elected for the city of London – Mar: 22 – The Weymouth Pine is a beautiful Fir and has a particular smooth bark, I shall be glad to know if they grow common in any part of your Country, if they do I shall thank you for some seeds, and some seeds of wild flowers, which grow in the woods to embellish my Woods in the Park. I hope to be able to send you my Picture sometime this summer by some friends. I think it a great risque sending horses or mares to your Country.

      The Poll for Mr. Trecothick 2050, Mr Wilkes 836. Miss Bosville is going to be married to Sir Alexander Macdonald of the Isle of Sky. – I am no changeling [text missing here?...]

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467