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Ane Sharpe of Duxfeild in the County of Northumberland being sick in [‘of’ crossed through] body but of good and parfe[c]t memory thanks be to almighty god and cal[l]ing to rememberance the uncartan Estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please god to call I doe make const[it]ut[e] ordane and declare this my last will and testyment in manar and forme fol[l]owing revoking and anul[l]ing by these presence all and ev[e]ry testyment and testaments will and wills heare to fore by me maid and declared e[i]ther by word or by writing and this to be taken only for my last will and testiment and none other and first being peneytant and sor[r]y from the bot[t]om of my h[e]art for my sins past most humbly desering forgivenes[s] for the same I give and co[m]mit my soule unto Almighty god my Sav[i]o[ur] and Rede[em]er in whom and by the merits of Jesus C[hr]ist I trust and bel[i]eve A[s]suredly to be saved and to have full remishon and forgiveness[s] of all my sines and that my soule with my boday at the Generall Day of Resur[r]ection shall rise Again with joy and thr[o]ugh the sure merits (of) C[h]rist death and pashon and inherit the king[d]am of heaven prepared for his Elect and Chosen and my boday to be buryed within the parish Church or Church yard of Corbridge in such a place as shall please my Ex[ecu]tors and hear after named to Apoint and no[m]i[na]te For the sel[l]ing of my temporall Estate and such goodes Chatals and depts as it hath pleased god far Above my Desarving to bestow upon me I do order and give and dispose the same in man[n]ar and forme fol[l]owing that is to say First I will let all those Depts and dutyes as I owe in Rit (Right) or Considac[ion] (Consideration) to any manor of parsone or parsones what so ever shall be well and truly contented and paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my desease by my Executrix h[e]r[e]after named Imp[rimas] I doe order and ap[p]oint my sesteres (sisters) margat whit and Eliz[abeth] Mowbray to be my Executrix of this my last will and testament and I leave and Ap[p]oint for my sister Margrat whit all my shepe and to my sister Eliz[abeth] Mowbray tow oxson the one cal[l]ed pleaser and Ginglar and one read mare and all myhoushould/ Goodes to margrat and Eliz[abeth] to be equally devided betwixt theme exsept one Cubart that I give to my se(i)ster Child margrat Armstrong and one Cover Clothe Item I give unto my sester (sister) margrat whit and my sester Eliz[abeth] Mowbray all my part of Corn now growing and to sowe in Dilston and all other Corne w[h]ich is nowe in the barne or stak yard or else wheare I give unto margrat whit and Eliz[abeth] Mowbray all my part of waines and plows and all matreales (materials) belonging thare to as will be maid apeare Item I give unto my sister Jane Armstrong one oxe caled curly Item I give unto my brother Thomas Sharp one oxe caled blith and one blacke mare Item I give unto my brother John Sharp one blacke kine caled Copy .. and I give unto his son Thomas Sharp one kine caled soney In witness whear off I have hear unto set my hand and seale the: 27th day of Aprill Anno: Domy[ni]: 1672: Signed sealed and d[elivere]din the presence of .. Thomas Farlam jur Richard Waineman jur An: Sharp her mark John Mowbray [INVENTORY] May 15th Anno 1672 A true & perfect inventory of all the goods Chattels & Moveables of Ann Sharp late of Dueksfeald Hall. Dowager prized by Thomas Farlamb John Stobbert Anthony Whitti Richard Wainman the day and year Aboveth as followith £ s d Imprimis her purse and Apparrell 1.10.00 Item four oxen 8.00.00 Item two kine 2.10.00 Item two horses 2.10.00 Item fourteen sheep and six lambs 2.10.00 Item two yoks and iron sievs 2.06 Item plough and plough irons 2.00 Item long wain and short wain & wainwheels 1.00.00 Item three bouls of wheat & rye sown on the ground 1.10.00 Item five bouls of oats 1.05.00 Item two bouls of wheat and A halph 1.10.00 Item one cubert one cowell two bedsteads one table 1.08.00 Item bedding lining & other nesesaryes 1.00.00 Sum of 26.03.06 Debts owing by the deceased 1.19.00 Candlmis rent for the farm 4.02.00 her servants wages 1.16.00 to Martin Swinburn 10.00 her funerall expenses 3.00.00 Sum of 11.01.06 Debts owing to the deceased 5.00 Thomas Faerlam his X mark Richard Wainman John Stobert his X mark witneseth
Will & Inventory DPRI/1/1672/S8