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Nov int univsi per putes Nos Margaret Featherston do Duxfield hall ni com Northumbe vidna Thomass Dickenson dc Middleduxfield in eodm[abb] com yeom el Willm Walton de Civitorte Dunelm in an Com Dunelm Calhear Eeneri et firmiter obligari Rodo[abb] inxpo pri et Dno Dno[abb] Nathanaeli pp viden dia Dunelm Epoet venli[abb] viro Johanni Brookbank sequ a cori ejusdm. [abb] Rodi pris officli princli in Conlum Libris bon- etlegalis mone toe? Angliae solveud eidm. Redo. priet et officli suo ant edco eoru in hac purte cert Affornat Execut Administrat vel Successor suis ad quam quidm. solucoem bene et fideli facieud Obligamus Nos et quemlibt nrm. perse prototo et in solid Hoered execut et admees[abb] uros firmiter putes. Sigillis uris Sigillat D at orisimo rerimo Dio monsis Apsilis anno Dm 1699 The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Margaret Fetherston Widdow doeweth and truly Administer all and singular the goods chattells Rights creditts of the late were and did belong unto Thomas Featherston [her late husband] late of Duxfield hall in the chasesehery of Slealey and of the Dioces of Durham deced. And pay annually- deceds Debts as saive requireth. If alsoe she doe exhibitt a true and perfect Inventory of all the deceds goods and chattells duley apprized and thereof make a true and just accompt within twelve monethes next after the offers of administration to her granted and stand to and abide such order decree touching on the distribution of the punisses as the Judge of the Confisory Courts of Durham for the time being shall order or and set downe. And if needs require enter into other new bonds obligatory ---- more sufficient sureties for performance of the same and lastly save defend and harme less keep the above named Rf Rd father in God and his officiall and all other their Officers Ministers and Successors by reason of the punisses thou this obligaton be void or or else full force and effect Signat Sigillat et Delibt in putia E Burrell Margaret ford? Featherson Thos. Dickinson Signd M? M Wm. Walton [INVENTORY] True and perfect inventory of the goods and chatthels moveable and unmovable late of Thomas Featherston of Duxfeild Hall in the County of Northumberland from deceased dyed Seized vallues and apprized the third day of February in the yeare of our Lord God 1698/9 L---s---d Imprimis his Horse purse and apparrell 6 0 0 Item Two Mares 5 0 0 Item Four Kine two Heiffers And twenty seaven sheep 16 0 0 Item All the Iron Geer Brass and pewter 4 0 0 Item Lining and Wooling 10 0 0 Item Bedshead and Cubbord Drawer and Tables and Chairs 10 0 0 Item Wood vessel 1 0 0 Vallued and Apprized Thomas Wasdaill Thomas Dickinson
Admin Bond & Inventory DPRI/1/1699/F1, B21