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To the Right Honorable and Honorable the Com. of Greenwich Hospital The humble Petition of John Bones of Throckley North Farm Sheweth That the Father of your Petitioner in November 1827 Purchased from your late Receivers the Lease of Matthew Robson the late Tenant of this Farm for the sum of Five Hundred and Fifteen pounds to enter upon the 12th May 1828 - the said Matthew Robson having failed upon the Farm, and the £515 was paid to the Receivers That the Farm was advertized to contain 306 acres which it was expected was exclusive of Old Pit Heaps and Waggon ways, which was the case at the South Farm, and it is now found that the whole are included which is to a considerable number of acres and are of no use whatever to the Farm, but on the contrary a nuisance. That from the time of the Purchase of the Lease, the price of Grain has continued to fall untill it is now so low, as from 3s/6d to 5s/ Per Bushel which circumstance and the Farm falling short of the number of Acres expected together with being at a considerable expence for Carriage of Materials for new Buildings (the Old ones having gone intirely to decay) has caused your Petitioner to fall into Arrears. Your Petitioner therefore humbly hopes that your Honors will take his case into your serious consideration and grant him such relief in the premises as they shall deem mete and your Petitioner as in duty will ever pray. John Bones Throckley 10 September 1834
See Grey’s journal entry of 24 Sept 1834