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Thursday 10th July Received Mr Fenwick’s Letter respecting Mr Burnett’s offer for Tithes, which is herewith sent * [pencil annotation in margin: ‘letter not sent. JAL’] also one from Mr Charlton of Hesleyside, asking permission to obtain Stones for building the intended Bridge at Bellingham, from Hareshaw Common, to which I replied that as the Manor might probably be transferred to the Duke of Northumberland in a short time, a Grant of that kind could not be made with propriety unless by the joint consent of the Duke in case of the purchase being completed. Having gone through some of the Estates to the Eastward and being near to Mr Burnetts residence, I took the opportunity of seeing him, thinking it might save time and future trouble to ascertain the utmost price that he would give for the Tithes in question, which as Mr Fenwick observes, is but a trifling property to have the trouble of valuing & bargaining for every year. I told him that the present price of Wool enhanced the value of the Property & would increase the average annual Rental, & that if he were inclined to amend his offer I should communicate it to the Board. This he did not seem much inclined to, but on my saying that if he would make an offer of £70 I thought he might have a chance of its being accepted, he consented to give that sum to defray the cost of the Conveyance, as a matter of course. The Commissioners therefore will be pleased to signify their determination respecting it. We have had some showers of late, which have revived the appearance of the County a little, but Hay is every where very deficient in quantity.