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Thursday 11th So soon as I could get released from attending to various persons calling at the Office on different matters of business, I set out to join Mr Hunt in Hexhamshire to look into some arrangements respecting the Farms there & especially to direct the mode of planting some young hedges where the old ones have entirely failed, & which I intend to have done upon a better plan than heretofore. Finding that Andrew Thorburn, late Tenant of Mirehouse, had made it public that he intended to sell a Threshing Machine, which he has there, on Saturday, I sent Mr Hunt to inform him, that if he sold it, it must be on condition that the money should be paid in part of his arrear of Rent, otherwise it should not be allowed to be removed. It is not (unluckily) of much value. Besides the Machine he also claims some fixtures connected with it, which I suspect would be put up by the Hospital, as in other cases, & which I shall try to ascertain from the Millwrights or Bailiff employed at the time.