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Friday 11th July Received Messrs Parker & Crawhall’s Award of the price of Lead for the last Quarter, which they have fixed at £17.10 and wrote to the former acknowledging his Letter as well as my obligation for his attention to that matter & his services for the past twelve months, & begging that he would be so good as let me know what remuneration I should make him in return. Received Bensons report of certain Farm Buildings in Hexhamshire, where repair is wanted, which I had sent him to examine. Rode to Wooley, looked over the Farm & Farm Buildings now under repair. Some of the Buildings in that District exceed for badness anything I ever knew. In breaking out a Doorway in a Barn there, to place the Door in a more convenient situation, the Wall came tumbling down for double the space that was wanted, being made of mere Stones loosely thrown together & plastered with lime outside. Andrew Thorburn’s was a faithful description when he told me they were only like dry stone Dikes, letting the rain in & the smoke out in all directions. Returned by the Woods Farm of Dilston Park, & prepared the accompanying reports * as required by Mr Lethbridge for the Board. [pencil annotation in margin: ‘* on Mulcaster’s memorial, and on Benson’s and Leadbetter’s applications for reduction of rent’]