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Tuesday 12th August I informed old Teasdale, that the Commissioners having consented to remit a part of his Arrears for Dilston Hall Farm on condition of his paying up the remainder, he must give me satisfactory security for doing so, that he might be allowed to reap & dispose of the away going Crop at his pleasure. This he has done. I obtained & examined Mr Hunt’s valuation of Lipwood Corn Tithes, at which rate he has let them to the occupiers, of which I send a Copy. Gave directions to Benson at Newlands Haugh Farm & give me comparative Estimates for doing what would be necessary for occupying the Farms separately as at present, & if they were thrown together. Was engaged with Mr Green who came from Newcastle to see the progress of the House. The Saw Mill has been set to work, & one of its first operations was to cut the hand of old Mr Green, one of the Lessees, almost in two, he having used it incautiously in the way of the Saw. It is a painful accident, & May produce bad effects from the effusion of blood & laceration of nerves. Was engaged in the afternoon with Mr Parkin going through some of the Plantations to examine their condition & decide upon their management. We shall have a good quantity of Wood to cut next Season, & I hope from the progress of the Rail way & improvement in Mining concerns that we may have a good demand for it.