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Friday 15th August Harrison the Tenant of Sproats Farm came to the Office this morning, paid up his Arrear & told me that he declined holding the Farm, as taken last year unless the grant of Lime were guaranteed throughout the Lease. This I told him was never contemplated & would not be complied with, & that if such was his determination he must return to me the Agreement signed by the Comm.rs., with a writing from him, signifying his resignation of it, which he promised to do. I wrote to a great number of Tenants requiring an early settlement of their Arrears. I saw Stokoe the Millwright, who informs me that the Millstones, put into the Machine at Coastley, were ordered by the Tenant on his own Account, & were not included in his Estimate at all. So that the presentation of the account to me turns out to have been a mere attempt to get me to pass it without enquiry. I went with Mr Parkin through the Birchside Wood & others up the Devils Water to decide upon the Plots which it would be right to recommend to the Board to have set out for Sale in the Autumn, and in the meantime to cut down, in parts that are too thick 2000 feet of Fir for the immediate use of the owners of the Saw Mill, which being new at work, will I hope, help us to a considerable consumption of Wood.