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Monday 15th December Communicated my ideas respecting Allerwash Mill to Mr Johnson, Agent to the Rail way asking him to make a distinct proposition on the subject, which I might lay before the Commissioners, enquiring also, their intention as to laying off a road from Hexham to the West Boat, which might at some future time under the Hospital Tenants liable to the payment of a second Toll on the road to Hexham, in which case I should think it necessary to oppose it. Received the Leases of Spency Croft & Nursery Farms, together with the Boards Minutes & Secretary’s Letter, and made the necessary communications to Mr Bainbridge & the Moor Master. Received from Mr Fenwick a Letter which I herewith enclose in answer to my request that he would furnish me with an explanation of the circumstances under which he accepted £20 in payment of the debt due to the Hospital by Common & Atkinson. Received also from Mr Forster the documents relative to the Arbitration between Pringle & Johnson, with his Letter on the subject of Johnsons claims to relief from a certain portion of that award, all of which are herewith forwarded. Mr Forster returned at the same time the conditions for letting Allerwash Lime & Brokenheugh Coal, which I had submitted to him, with some additions of his own, which I think very judicious, a Copy of which I send for the Boards approbation. Arranged some matters respecting the sales of Wood with Mr Parkin, & engaged him to meet me at Hartburngrainge on Wednesday morning, to fix what Wood should sold & what part of the Dean replanted, & afterwards went through the Woods here where the Men are engaged in thinning & dressing them.