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Wednesday 17th Was engaged all the day in attending to business in the Office, transactions with Mr Hunt & Mr Benson, writing Letters etc. Finding that the Cylinder in Dilston Mill which was known to be bad, but which it was determined it would work as long as it would, had entirely failed, I found it necessary to write to inform Murray of it, who had taken the dimensions that he might be prepared for such an event, & to direct him to proceed in making a new one. Having received the Boards directions respecting the Terms on which the Hospitals Land is to be transferred for the use of the Railway, I wrote to the Secretary on the subject requesting to be informed how the Directors intended the Land which will be out of Lease at May Day, to be estimated, being willing to avoid making any propositions from myself respecting it, as the expression used in the Boards Minute, January 29th 1831, that the Trustees are to have the required Land on moderate terms leaves the matter very indefinite, & does not determine whether they are actually to purchase it, or to hold it at a moderate annual Rent.