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Tuesday 19th Having occasion to go to Newcastle I took the opportunity of giving Mr Fenwick instructions respecting the preparation of certain Farm Leases, & also put into his hands the Agreement executed by the Commissioners for a Lease of Dilston Mill, to Mr Ridley Hall, for 15 Years from May last, guarding him as to maintain clauses for the maintaining of Machinery, Water courses etc. Having found a Memorandum in the Office of certain articles of Machinery belonging to the Hospital, which were left in the Yard of Mr Burnett in Newcastle, I went to the place to examine them, taking with me a list of particulars. Those I saw safe & under cover, but as Mr Burnett was not at home, I could not learn whether he had the means of applying them to any purpose, which would induce him to give me a fair value for them, or whether I should endeavour to find some other channel for disposing of them. His Foreman, however undertook that he should write to me on the subject. There is besides this, some Machinery & Materials for a large Wheel on Alston moor, that were formerly intended to draw the Water from a Copper Mine, but which was abandoned & became unnecessary. Every thing of this kind which is now not wanted by the Hospital, had better, I imagine, be disposed of as soon as possible. [Marginal annotation: ‘yes’]