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Wednesday 19th Received a long letter from Mr Wilson who still contends that the Hudgill Burn Co have a right to a certain extent of Mineral grant, although it appeared to me when I met him and the Moor Master together that he was wrong in conceiving that encroachments were made on their premises. This is a matter which I must be at pains to investigate as there is every reason to depend upon the Moor Masters accuracy. Mr Wilson also requests to be allowed to burn Lime at the Langley Kilns, as being nearer & of better quality than that of Lough Green - to which application, I have replyed that I cannot, without orders, grant the permission, the Lime in question having been reserved for the use of the Tenants in that district, & the Lough Green Lime, let to the present Lessee, with that understanding; conceiving too, that if it had been intended to grant such liberty to the Lessees of the Mills it would have been contracted for, by their Agreement. Mr Wilson makes another request which is to be allowed to give their personal security to the Board, against damage by Fire, instead of being obliged to comply with a clause in their Lease, requiring them to insure the Premises in one of the public Offices. To this I should think there can be little objection, as the party is wealthy. Received £70, in payment of Tythes purchased by Mr Burnett, and communicated to Mr Bainbridge the Boards directions respecting the steps to be taken to protect the Hospital against damage by working the Crow Coal. Upon the arrangement as to the disputed Ground at Scraith Head, & the collection of Tolls at Alston September Fair. Rode to Whittle & then to Throckley, and looked over parcels of Ground, old Pit Heaps & other waste, to decide which it might be worth while to inclose and plant.