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Friday 19th September Set out in the morning to have a long day among the Farms to the West of Haydon Bridge, but being met by a rain which soon wet me through & the appearance being bad, returned. The Weather cleared at noon, and being anxious to get on with an examination of the Farms that are given up, I rode to that of Newtonhall which is only five miles off, & walked over every Field with the Plan in my hand, writing down my valuation & remarks as I went & making up my calculation & notes for a new Letting, in the evening. Received from the Railway Directors a Plan of the Way from Hexham to Haydon Bridge showing its course through the Hospitals’ Farms, which I desired that I might be furnished with before they began to cut the Ground, that I might have an opportunity of tracing it through the Fields & discovering whether any particular objections existed to my part of it, which might perhaps be obviated. I fancy those Gentlemen think me rather troublesome, but they cut so largely into the Hospitals Property, that I am naturally anxious to prevent any damage that can possibly be avoided.