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Thursday 21st August Wrote to Mr Forster sending him a Copy of Mr Fenwick’s report of Throckley Colliery & recommendation of the Terms on which it should be let, which were acted upon although no Lease appears to have been made hitherto. Also a Copy of Messers Bones’ application for leave to work the Splint Coal upon the Fell, & to be allowed three years to make up their short Workings, which proves that they are in Arrear, & not in advance, with their quantity. Drove to Haydon Bridge to inspect some Buildings in that part. Gave directions for the disposal of some old Lead Pipes that have been taken up in the Inn Yard & are now unnecessary since the house & brewing place have been supplied from a spring by bringing it through the Alms Houses. The Cistern & force Pump, which from something faulty in its construction could never be used, I must try to sell to the Plumber who does the work at the new House at Dilston. And the building of hewn Stone which contained them has come to good use, as it saved quarrying & dressing Stones for the window & Door frames in the new Farm House at Lees. I informed the Tenants of Esphill, Woodhall & Lipwood that the Commissioners decline accepting the resignation of their Leases, as they had held their Farms for only one year previous to the current year. Went by Lipwood to Whitechapel, passing through several of the Hospitals Farms in the North of the Tyne and proceeded forward 13 Miles to Gilsland, where some of my family had gone previously.