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The unfortunate Tenant of Eadsbush, having been obliged to make an Asssignment, on account of his late Lessees, I have applied to his Assignee and obtained payment of the rent due at May Day & an undertaking for the payment of that due in November. His effects having been advertized for Sale this day, I sent Mr Hunt over, to ascertain whether the Farm is to be given up, or whether Curry has found friends to enable him to carry it on. As he is a man much respected & pitied, I hope he may be supported. I had requested to see the Surveyor of the Gateshead Roads at Dilston to show him that he had not fulfilled the Agreement made with me when the alteration of the Turnpike past Dilston New Town was consented to, in taking up the old road, removing the Fences & restoring the Land to my satisfaction. He came this morning, when we went over the ground together, & he undertook to have all matters done according to my wish. I then set out for Whittonstall, to examine some Land at Lawsons Farm, which the Tenant by his old Lease, was bound not to plough, but which having become much incumbered with Furze he applied for leave to plough out in line of some other Land, which I readily granted, considering it an advantage to the Farm. Thence to the Farms of Fairle & Greymare Hill, to look into the propriety of allowing some draining and fencing to be done, which the Tenants applied for at the rent day. Having got the prices of Nursery goods from different Parties, I wrote this evening to Falla of Gateshead, whose trees are always good, to send up the quantities of the various kinds wanted to plant the Ground now preparing at Whittle, & the Thorns for the necessary Hedges.