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Wednesday 30th July Proceeded to Newcastle bringing Mrs Grey with me, from the scene of her late affliction. Saw Mr Fenwick in the evening to enquire, in consequence of a Letter I found from Mr Stott, what arrangement had been come to about the Machine claimed by the purchaser of Buteland, but which is evidently Mr Stotts Property. Mr Fenwick is of opinion that the Machine not having been advertized with the Estate as the Mill was, is removable Stock & thinks Mr Spencer was of the same opinion, till he got hold of a former Lease, wherein the Machine was demised to the Hospital. Since that time, Mr Stott redeemed the Machine by making good his rents, & is unquestionably entitled to the value of it, whether paid by the Hospital or Mr Spencer. By what means or for what purpose the said Lease was put into Mr Spencers hands, I have yet to learn.