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Friday 31st July This being the first day for the Assizes for the County, I was desired to remain in Town, by the Solicitor for Mr Thomson of Scremerston, whose trial with the Lessees of the Colliery respecting the charges for the small Coal for burning Lime, was expected to come on, on which it was thought my evidence might be useful in proving what passed at Berwick between Mr Hooper & the parties in the subject. The Trial however had not come on at four o’clock, & as I had not been served with a Subpoena & had nothing to do in Newcastle, & expected that many matters might be waiting my return to Dilston, I came home in the evening. I learnt today from Mr Fenwick that the transfer of the Property & Manor of Wark is now likely to be made shortly to the Duke of Northumberland which will regulate my proceedings in regard to the management of the Property.