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?Friday 5th September Reached Dilston by Mail at nine, found various Letters & matters to attend to in the Office. Received reports of their proceedings from Benson & Parkin, the latter had sold another Lot of Wood to the Lessees of the Saw Mill, which, now that it is fairly established, will I trust, realise the expectation I formed of it, in giving us a pretty regular market for our Fir Wood in its neighbourhood. Received an application from Major Johnson, to be allowed a certain portion of the Money paid by him to Mr Pringle on account of trespass by the Railway from Scremerston Colliery, which he conceived ought to be borne by the Lessors, according to the custom in such cases, & in accordance with Mr Hoopers promise, & not by him as Lessee. Wrote to ask him to state the particular of his claim, that I might lay them before the Board, as I was desirous of obtaining a settlement of his Arrear. His suit against Mr Thomson for price & amount of Kiln Coal, was divided in his favour at the Assizes, & he is to receive payment in full of his demand. I forwarded to Alston Grants for Trials of certain Veins, & instructions to Mr Bainbridge to prepare draft Leases of Spencer Croft & Lowbyer Nursery, for my inspection when I should next go there. I have received the following notices of Leases from which Tenants wish to be released.[:] Samuel Lewis of Hartburngrainge North Farm. Makepeace Lee of Newlands Mill & Ground. Thomas Wilkinson of Whittonstall. Cuthbert Harrison of d[itt]o., who refuses to take a Lease upon his Agreement of last year, on the ground that the allowance for Lime is not guaranteed throughout the term, but really, because he thinks he gave too high a rent for it. It is one of those which was let by private Contract. George Stokoe who holds a Public House together with a Blacksmiths Shop and some Land in Whittonstall. The Public House & Land ought to be let together, & the Shop along with the adjoining Farm, that the Tenant might have the power of removing an improper Blacksmith. Some of the Whittonstall Tenants go to one three Miles off rather than employ the said George Stokoe. Williams Lambert of Rattenraw East Farm. These people are generally industrious & respectable Tenants, but the present showery weather which retards the housing of the Crop & threatens its safety, together with the continual decline of prices, is enough to fill all farmers with alarm. Good Wheat sold in Newcastle Market on Tuesday at 4s/6d Per Bushel, which is One Shilling Per Stone.