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Saturday 8th November Made up my Accounts. Had a conversation with the new Surveyor of the Alston Roads & advised him as to his proceedings. He goes on most satisfactorily & is making great improvements in the condition of the Roads, though from the quantity of Metal necessary he cannot much diminish the expense as yet. Accompanied him to look at some part of the Roads, & to get him to work away a ledge of Limestone to improve the approach to the Inn at Lowbyers. This house was going fast to decay. When I had the fruit trees taken from the front of it in the summer, the Walls were found to be so open that a Stick might be passed half way through them in many places. The rain came down the inside & spoilt Paint, Paper & Wood. I had the Walls filled & pointed - it is now dry - the roof also has been repaired, but the timber is bad. Had some of the Hudgill Barn Compy respecting some fancied encroachments upon their Ground, which proved to be groundless. Returned to Haydon Bridge & thence to Dilston. At Haydon Bridge Mr Lambert met me to say that he and his brother had decided upon executing the Lease as prepared for the Farm of East Elrington, which they would try to hold at the rent agreed upon. If any thing could be done to lessen the injury from the Smoke of Langley Mills, as I propose, it would be, he said an inducement for them to continue.